I decided to publish my comic about love just recently, and it wasn’t in my plains: each person is unique and has its own concept of love, and not always persons who tell ‘I love you’ love us. Sometimes, in the worse cases, they do just to use and cheat us.
Our idea of love reflects who we are, our desires, our values, our expectations and our way of living relationships.
The word “Love” is the most used in everyday language: between people, on television, in magazines, on websites. Love writing messages, poems, books … and yet it seems so difficult to give an unambiguous definition of love that puts all agree.
For example, if we try a definition of “objective” of the love of any dictionary, we would read:
“Love is an intense feeling of deep affection, sympathy and adhesion, facing a person, animal, object, or to a concept, an ideal.”
But what does it say of us, of our love passionately, our torments and our joys?
An objective definition does not account for the way we live and the love of our intimate needs that are paramount to this feeling.
He talks about it all the time, perhaps because the concept of love is really elusive.
To love is to be vulnerable. Unless you are in a superficial no-risk kind of love where you aren’t fully invested into another person, choosing to be in love with someone is one of the riskiest things you can do. You risk hurting the other person, and you risk hurting yourself.
It’s also one of the most rewarding and meaningful aspects of the human experience. Even if it doesn’t last forever, being in a loving relationship can teach you a lot about yourself and life in general. But every once in a while you find someone who is willing to help you through your pain and heal while also being in a relationship with you.
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